Needless to say, it's been a busy couple of weeks. But they've been good! Adapting to life with two babes rather than just one has been... interesting. I'm beyond thankful that my mom was able to come out and stay for as long as she did. Poor thing, I gave her our crud that we had! She only had a voice for half of her trip and didn't get to sleep or rest much, but she was able to snuggle her granddaughters, so I think that softened the blow a bit. :)
It is different needing to juggle the two little ones, but fortunately, Neva is pretty much awesome. Esther will be 3 weeks on Sunday and we're already starting to find our groove a little bit. Neva's sleeping is starting to get back on track, which has done wonders. She's so sweet to her sister, giving her hugs and kisses as often as possible. We've made a big effort to make sure she's not a mystery. Neva is allowed to hold her, see her, kiss her, pat her, touch her as often as she likes. Hubs and I are also doing what we can to make sure she still gets her one-on-one time, play times with friends and whatnot too. Then there are the days where none of us get out of our pj's and we just have a movie day. :) We're all getting used to what is now the new norm, good and bad days alike.
It is nice not having to learn how to be a mom this time around. Poor Neva got the short end of the stick on a lot of things just by being the first one. :) We're more laid back and everything isn't so new and scary. We already have our little routines and Esther's just falling into and molding them. Some things are a lot easier, nursing especially. My milk came in faster, evened out quicker and I "toughened up" a lot sooner than with Neva (thank goodness). Bath time isn't a source of anxiety ("Holy crap! Am I going to drown my baby in 3 inches of water?!"). Bed time isn't an ongoing source of stress and frustration (Thank you swaddling and white noise!), I know and understand that babies just wake up a lot. It sounds dumb to say it out loud, but it was very stressful with Neva when she wouldn't sleep. Now I just catch my winks when I can... even if that means on the futon with a baby passed out on my chest because I know that might be the only place she'll sleep right then. :)
There is stress. There's a lot of crying and a lot of poop. We're not on time to anything and if we do make it there's either spit up, poo or both on at least one of our outfits. But there's a lot of smiles, snuggles and laughter. And love. A ton of love. :) Tim and I have been blessed with two gorgeous, healthy and happy (most of the time) girls. We're just boarding this crazy adventure, but I'm really excited to see where it's going to lead.
Adapting to life on the outside! |
Snuggles with Nana! |
Lovin' the handmade receiving blankets :) |
Seriously?! Little bitty leggings and owl booties? Cuteness: off the charts! |
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