Friday, September 14, 2012

It's time to start over!!!

Lots has happened since my last posting. I've been horrible about blogging the last few months and, in all honesty, I've kind of just taken a time out from life. Part of it was good, it needed to happen. Other parts, need to be shaken off and reborn.

For those of you who haven't heard, we're expecting again!! I found out early on this summer and went public with it in late July/early August. As it stands right now, everything is going normally and I'm 16 weeks along. :) The picture is from last week, but you can see the bump! :)

Even though I haven't been online (or doing ANYTHING with Sweetie Wraps, shame on me!!), I've been so busy. Neva is ridiculously active and it is a full time job keeping up with her, on top of the pregnancy fatigue, it's been a little hectic. Not to mention just stupid to try and get anything done. I nap when she naps most days and my house is a wreck, but she's happy and we're both healthy. :) We also went to Colorado to visit family for a few weeks, which was awesome. (Minus the part where I sewed through my finger, but that was short-lived.) It was really good to touch home base, pretty hard to leave. I also threw a joint baby shower for two of my friends, one is due in October, the other is due in November. (I also have a friend due in December, I'm due in March, and 2 others due in April! Babies are IN THE AIR!!) :)

This week I decided that a change needed to happen. I was so unmotivated and tired all the time, I couldn't handle it anymore. I just can't tell what's from the pregnancy, what's from feeling overwhelmed and stressed, or if it's something else. I hadn't sewn in months and that was a pretty big thing for me. I used to sew every day, or at least a few times a week and I had no desire, no drive. It was horrible. There has always been some sort of creative outlet for me. I've been crocheting, but that wasn't cutting it. I finally woke up the other day and said "Yep, today's the day." Instead of taking a nap, I cut out fabric!! The next day, I started on the straps for a mei tai baby carrier. Today I attached the straps! Tomorrow I only have a little bit more to do and it will be all finished!! My client has been more than understanding and patient, for which I am SO grateful. I'm hoping to throw in a little something extra for all of her understanding. It feels so good being back at my sewing machine though. I made this yesterday for my best friend's daughter. She asked me to make a purse for her, and she happens to love Batman. :) I'm really happy with how it turned out and I think she's really going to like it. She'll be the coolest kid at preschool!
I feel good though. I have a good support net out here and I'm hanging out with a friend tomorrow. We're going to have a chat, a walk, and hopefully some coffee. :) Life is looking brighter. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are getting back into your creative mojo! Woo Hoo!
